Florida International University


Florida International University (FIU) is a leader in cybersecurity, IT, and computer science education, offering innovative programs that equip students with cutting-edge technical skills, hands-on research opportunities, and access to industry-leading certifications. With a strong emphasis on experiential learning and collaboration with top faculty and industry partners, FIU prepares its students to excel in the rapidly evolving fields of technology and cybersecurity, addressing global challenges and driving innovation.

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs



  • Cybersecurity Intelligence and Information Policy: Offered by the Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to address cybersecurity challenges in both public and private sectors.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) in Hospitality: An accelerated workshop-style training program that provides students with a thorough understanding of how IoT can transform and enhance various aspects of hospitality, including operations, guest experience, and business efficiency.


For more information about fellowships and other learning opportunities, please contact cybersecurity@fiu.edu.


Cyberinfrastructure Security for Public Service: Developed within the College of Engineering and Computing and the Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs, this badge recognizes fundamental knowledge of cyberinfrastructure, its vulnerability vectors, and attacks towards cyberinfrastructure in local government and non-profit organizations.

Cyberinfrastructure Security Governance: Developed within the Department of Public Policy and Administration, this badge provides learners with fundamental knowledge about cybersecurity governance and risk management strategies.

For more information, contact Professor Sukumar Ganapati at ganapati@fiu.edu.

Micro-credentials within Courses

The following is a list of courses offered at FIU that provide a micro-credential as part of their curriculum.

Amazon Web ServicesCTS4743Professor Monfort
KaseyaCIS4431Professor Simon
Blockchain/CryptocurrencyIDC2020Professor Luis