Florida International University


CIERTA offers students access to opportunities such as scholarships, research experience, certifications, and fellowships as well as the opportunity to connect with other students and leading experts in the field via cybersecurity-related clubs at FIU.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

REU Program Image
FIU offers its undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. This program involves having students work with research faculty and mentors in a lab environment in which they will perform research on a diverse array of modern-day relevant topics. Note that most REU Sites are offered during the summer semester, and as such the programs listed in this site may not be currently available.
Some REUs offered at FIU are:

For information on REUs outside of FIU, please visit the following site:

Student Resources

Scholarships/Fellowships for Students

Cybersecurity Clubs at FIU


Cyber Certifications