Christian Poellabauer

Christian Poellabauer

Professor & Graduate Program Director
Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences

Office: CASE 383


Website | Lab


   Keywords: Authentication and Machine/Deep Learning. 

Dr. Christian Poellabauer is a Professor at the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at FIU. He earned his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech in 2004 and was a faculty member at the University of Notre Dame until 2021, where he also served as Associate Director of the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society and Founding Director of the Applied Analytics and Emerging Technologies Lab. At FIU, Dr. Poellabauer directs the MOSAIC (Mobile Sensing and Analytics) Lab, focusing on innovative personal and crowdsensing solutions in healthcare. His lab’s work includes mobile diagnostics for concussions, rehabilitation monitoring, and detecting mental health issues. His research interests also cover wireless/sensor/vehicular networks, IoT, and edge computing AI solutions. He was a Fulbright Scholar in 2018 and co-authored a textbook on Wireless Sensor Networks, translated into Chinese and Persian. His research has been supported by NIH, NSF, DoD, and various private organizations including IBM, Toyota, and National Geographic. Dr. Poellabauer is also passionate about involving undergraduate and high school students in hands-on research.

For more information visit his FIU profile.